Get to know our work

ev-health-monitoringEV Health Monitoring

Since an EV is built over a fairly large amount of battery cells, monitoring the life of all these cells as well as other operational parameters is key to enhancing the life of the vehicle altogether. We used the OBD-II port to capture vehicle stats and used Azure IoT core to store and process all the data from multiple vehicles.

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Swachh ATM iot-swachh-atm

Waste segregation is the most challenging task as the recyclable glass and metal can need to be processed and the non-recyclable plastic bottles should be stored separately. Our smart machine can do this task on the fly using standard non-expensive sensors and some actuators and the trash is stored in their respective bins, ready to be recycled or disposed of.

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real-time-smart-tableSmart Table

The Smart table is a GUI-based control for a LINAK-based actuator handling various movements of the table including height, monitor angles, etc, providing user profiles and the ability to store multiple presets per user. The entire unit is networkable and settings can be accessed remotely as well.

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Smart Door Lockreal-time-smart-door-lock

The Smart door lock developed by us is actually an unlocking solution that can be used over an existing RFID/NFC Lock in the hospitality industry with a back end process to reduce the waiting period at check-in/ check-out process by providing valid KYC to the hotel and providing the user with an app-based key instead of a hardware key.

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What We Can Do For Your Business?

You may create dashboards using HashStudioz that are very functional and meet all of your demands and expectations. From planning and design to maintenance, we provide all real-time dashboard development solutions you might possibly require.

01Planning & Designing

We strive to provide our customers with exactly what they are envisioning. We thoroughly discuss our clients' wants, demands, and expectations with them before planning and designing a dashboard that is ideal for them.

02Custom Dashboard Development

We create dashboards for you that are tailored to your needs, packed with features that align your business data, and encourage business success by using effective and more accurate ways of processing the information.

03Data Visualization Dashboard

Learn everything there is to know about different sorts of data visualization dashboards and dashboard strategies. To ensure that you get the most out of the data sources that are available, we enable all data management.

04Dashboard Integration

We enable seamless dashboard integration with your current operating systems so you may reap the rewards of turning digital without investing in additional infrastructure. Additionally, we make sure that the dashboards are adaptable to the changing business environment.

05Dashboard Maintenance

We assist you in effectively maintaining your dashboards so that you continue to receive meaningful data, information, reports, and insights from that data and that the dashboard remains current and helpful for you.

The data-driven approach to building IoT products becomes the key to delivering quality outcomes. The overall IoT development process is well-versed with future-proof strategies.

Our Seamless Dashboard Design & Development Process

Our unique method for developing and releasing agile dashboards. To design and refine this method and guarantee that every dashboard provides the most pertinent knowledge possible, we drew on our significant expertise in building hundreds of dashboards.


  • Identify Audience: The dashboard's main end-user audience.
  • To guarantee that the dashboard meets such measures, corporate key performance indicators are taken into account (and the time allotted is defined).
  • The core interactive concept—such as geography, time series, guided analytics, etc.—you'll draw on to provide an answer is the theme.
  • 02Visualize

  • Primary View(s): The one or two primary views that visually respond to your targeted audience and are consistent with the chosen theme (e.g. maps for geography, lines or bars for time series, etc.).
  • Support Views: Beneficial or beneficial views that strengthen, hone, or provide context for the main view (s).
  • Layout: The positioning and alignment of views so that the major view(s) receives the focus from the targeted users and act as primary view of the solution.
  • 03Finalize

  • Interact Elements: Establish logical, progressively more precise interactions between the primary and supporting views.
  • Alignments should be perfect, color, fonts, and font consistency should be perfect, and visual standards must be followed.
  • Connectivity with the latest cloud platforms provides IoT hardware and embedded software flexibility to embrace their functions. When the product is ready to get utilized for real-world implementation, our app developers then start building applications for Connected Devices.

    What makes our dashboards business-ready?


    Real-time data from key parameters

    In the IoT dashboards, the important data parameters originating from the sensor modules can be shown in real-time. Dashboards, for instance, can employ sensors and a gateway to show the environmental status, surrounding activities, and a lot more. The information will reflect all the necessary details to support the device.


    Easy Monitoring of Performance

    A dashboard provides insightful information about the company's performance by displaying key performance indicators (KPIs), highlighting operational efficiencies and inefficiencies, and displaying private and commercial trends. As a result, it is simple to keep track of organizational performance and take appropriate action when needed.


    Responsive Design

    Our IoT dashboards are highly interactive and give customers the ability to carry out a variety of tasks that will produce valuable insights. Our front-end development team makes sure that these dashboards are responsive and optimized for each screen, regardless of the operating system, browser, or device being used.


    Multi-tenant Architecture

    The multi-tenant architecture of our application designs enables numerous clients to view their own data from a single dashboard platform. Valid login credentials will be given to each user so they can access their data. For its tenants, these programs serve as specialized software as a service (SaaS) applications.

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