React vs. React Native

When it comes to app development, React and React Native are two heavyweight contenders vying for supremacy. React, known for its exceptional web development capabilities, goes head-to-head with React Native, a rising star exclusively focused on mobile app development. 

Let’s dive into this epic Clash of the Titans and explore the key differentiators between these powerful frameworks.

What is React?

React, developed by Facebook, is a popular open-source library for building user interfaces (UIs) for web applications. It follows a component-based approach, where complex UIs are broken down into reusable components, allowing for efficient development and maintenance.

Examples of React applications:

  • Netflix
  • PayPal
  • Reddit
  • WhatsApp
  • Instagram

What is React Native?

On the other hand, React Native, also created by Facebook, extends the capabilities of React to mobile app development. It enables developers to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms using JavaScript and React syntax. By utilizing a single codebase, React Native offers a cross-platform solution that saves time and effort, without compromising on performance or user experience.

Examples of React Native applications:

  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Airbnb
  • Skype
  • UberEats

Developers must know the differences between React and React Native. Despite sharing similar syntax and concepts, both frameworks differ in implementation and target platforms. Developers can effectively leverage each framework’s strengths by understanding these differences. Choosing the right one for a specific project can help avoid potential pitfalls. We will explore these differences in detail here. You will learn when and how to use React or React Native.

Difference Between React and React Native

As we all know, most siblings share similar functionalities and features. However, they will also agree that there are as many differences as similarities between them.

This theory applies to both React and React Native. So, let’s understand the difference between both.

1. Technology Base


React is just a JavaScript library. Therefore, learning JavaScript is the key to becoming a ReactJs master. In a short time, you can become a React developer if you learn technical documentation.

With React, you can create intuitive web UIs using JavaScript.

React Native:

React Native is a framework for creating mobile user interfaces using React.Js. In addition to inheriting all React.Js functionality, it also uses declarative components like React.

React Native is not a pure JavaScript framework. It integrates Java, Objective-C, Objective-C++, and C++ code. A thorough understanding of the languages necessary for building React Native applications is therefore essential.

2. Efficiency


If you plan to create an eye-catching user interface, ReactJs is the right library for you. It offers the incredible ability to execute client-side code while rendering server-side, which is one of ReactJs’ amazing features.

When it comes to creating fundamental abstractions, ReactJS enhances developer efficiency and gives them more options. This is useful for both lower-level elements like clickable buttons and higher-level elements like dropdown menus.

React Native:

To maximize developer efficiency, React Native uses a different approach. React JS has counterparts to iOS and Android components for a similar appearance and feel. The foundation of React Native is reusable native components. Native code is generated directly from these components. React native is therefore different from other mobile app development frameworks as it offers the same look, feel, functionality, and speed as a native app.

React Native developers can also easily integrate native code, such as Java, Swift, and Objective-C, into the framework.

3. Syntax


JavaScript code can be written using React. As a result, React.Js renders HTML-like components such as <p>, <div>, <h1>, etc. A special JavaScript syntax extension called JSX can be used.

JSX is a syntax similar to a template language that does not differentiate between markup and logic. As a result, you’re writing markup in JavaScript, which may seem inappropriate at first glance, but React claims it’s not as bad as it seems.

There will be no JSX code after compilation. There will only be regular JavaScript functions and objects.

React Native:

You must be familiar with React Native’s syntax in order to use it. Instead of rendering HTML-like components, React Native renders native components like <view>, <text>, <images>, etc.

Thus, React Native can’t be used for web development since it doesn’t use HTML. Thus, in React Native, you can create mobile apps (Android, iOS), smartwatches, TVs, AR apps, and many more.

You cannot use any library that renders HTML, SVG, or Canvas.

4. Feasibility


React, also known as React JS, integrates HTML and JavaScript. Apparently, this is mainly done to integrate CSS, which eliminates a number of challenges associated with CSS development, such as global namespaces and variable/scope isolation.

React Native:

Would you like to add more components and features to your existing app without changing the whole code? This is where React Native can help.

The React Native framework allows you to integrate native components into your existing application code. With just plugin integration, you can reuse the Ionic-based code that you used to develop your hybrid app.

5. Storage


Local storage is used by React to store and manage data. Data stored in local storage is not subject to expiration. Thus, even after closing the browser window, it will persist.

React Native:

By default, React Native uses AsyncStorage. Furthermore, it supports local data storage through some libraries.

In the iOS platform, AsynStorage is supported by native code that stores small values in a particular format and larger values as individual files.

AsyncStorage in Android uses either RocksDB or SQLite, depending on their availability. In most cases, AyncStorage is enough when developing React Native apps. However, in some cases, you will need to use multiple options to store data, including:

  • If you are using Redux, you can use redux-persist.
  • Using libraries, you can store data on a device, Realm, or SQLite.

6. Compatibility


It uses Node.JS  for rendering, which is optimized for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).Node.js allows React applications to be rendered on the server side, enabling search engines to crawl and index the content effectively. This enhances the discoverability and visibility of React-based web applications in search engine results, making them more SEO-friendly.

React Native:

Furthermore, React Native is exclusively designed for mobile UIs. Apart from being entirely UI-driven, React Native works more like a JavaScript library than a framework. This results in an incredibly responsive UI, giving apps a smoother feel and faster loading times.

7. Navigation


You must be aware of the react-router library if you develop an application using React.Js. When React Router v5 was released, the use history hook became a powerful tool for accessing the history instance.

React Native:

React Native doesn’t support react-router. Thus, React Native provides a unique library Navigator for managing the transition between different displays. Furthermore, you will find another library called React Native Navigation. On both Android and iOS platforms, this library provides accurate native platform navigation.

React or React Native: Which is Better?

There is no doubt that React and React Native are the pillars of app and web development. Every day, their flexible functionality and evolving library eco-system help them gain momentum.

React is a JavaScript library, while React Native is the framework as a whole.

When it comes to apps with complex calculations, a React app is ideal, while a React Native app provides a native-like experience for your mobile app.

Difference between React and React Native

In the developer universe, every technology or framework has limitations, and React and React Native are no exception. Therefore, it is advisable to map the pros and cons of both technologies before making an informed decision based on priorities and expected outcomes.

You can hire React native app developer if you plan to develop a web or mobile app. They will provide you with certain advantages in the future. That’s not mandatory, though! Learning React won’t be difficult if you’re familiar with JavaScript.

So what are you waiting for? You will be amazed by the talented developers at HashStudioz – the leading React native app development company.

Hire a React Developer

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Should I learn React before React Native?

A basic understanding of React would be beneficial before diving into React Native. As a cross-platform framework, React Native uses JavaScript and React concepts to create native mobile apps. You can learn React Native more easily if you understand the basics of React.

2. Which is better React Native or ReactJS?

The ReactJS framework is well-suited for web applications. React Native, however, is better suited to mobile app development. Despite this, both frameworks can be used to develop applications, depending on the requirements of the project.

3. Is React Native outdated?

No, React Native is not outdated. For developing cross-platform mobile applications, it is a popular and widely used framework. Using React Native, developers can write JavaScript code and deploy it on iOS and Android. React Native continues to be updated and improved by the community, ensuring its relevance in mobile app development.

By Amit Kumar

Amit Kumar is a Lead Content Developer/Technical Writer with over 10 years of experience in product documentation strategy, content management, and process optimization. He has successfully led and managed documentation teams, implemented information architecture, and built robust documentation websites and publishing pipelines.